cried during sex and my bf was very concerned /u/l0s3rkur4mi Sex

the other night my bf and i were having sex and it started getting pretty intense and i started crying like lips trembling near sobbing and it took me a couple minutes to stop and my bf got really concerned and stopped bc he thought he did something wrong and i had to assure him i was okay. idk what happened i just looked at him and i just felt so loved and comfortable i couldnt help but start to cry. is this normal/common? i told him that i think it might be but it was kind of overwhelming and i think i scared him lol

submitted by /u/l0s3rkur4mi
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​r/sex the other night my bf and i were having sex and it started getting pretty intense and i started crying like lips trembling near sobbing and it took me a couple minutes to stop and my bf got really concerned and stopped bc he thought he did something wrong and i had to assure him i was okay. idk what happened i just looked at him and i just felt so loved and comfortable i couldnt help but start to cry. is this normal/common? i told him that i think it might be but it was kind of overwhelming and i think i scared him lol submitted by /u/l0s3rkur4mi [link] [comments] 

the other night my bf and i were having sex and it started getting pretty intense and i started crying like lips trembling near sobbing and it took me a couple minutes to stop and my bf got really concerned and stopped bc he thought he did something wrong and i had to assure him i was okay. idk what happened i just looked at him and i just felt so loved and comfortable i couldnt help but start to cry. is this normal/common? i told him that i think it might be but it was kind of overwhelming and i think i scared him lol

submitted by /u/l0s3rkur4mi
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