I discovered a kink I have and I don’t know what it’s called? /u/sketchyarmpit Sex

If someone saw my search history… good heavens. I discovered in my last relationship I love when a man finishes on me and then rubs it in. Like on my stomach then treats it like it’s lotion. It happened once and I wanted more.. and I got it. He would finish on my stomach and rub it on my stomach, cheese and neck right after/during his ejaculation.

What the heck would you call that or am I just gross?? Lol for reference I’m a female.

submitted by /u/sketchyarmpit
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​r/sex If someone saw my search history… good heavens. I discovered in my last relationship I love when a man finishes on me and then rubs it in. Like on my stomach then treats it like it’s lotion. It happened once and I wanted more.. and I got it. He would finish on my stomach and rub it on my stomach, cheese and neck right after/during his ejaculation. What the heck would you call that or am I just gross?? Lol for reference I’m a female. submitted by /u/sketchyarmpit [link] [comments] 

If someone saw my search history… good heavens. I discovered in my last relationship I love when a man finishes on me and then rubs it in. Like on my stomach then treats it like it’s lotion. It happened once and I wanted more.. and I got it. He would finish on my stomach and rub it on my stomach, cheese and neck right after/during his ejaculation.

What the heck would you call that or am I just gross?? Lol for reference I’m a female.

submitted by /u/sketchyarmpit
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