Rabbit/ vibrator recommendations. /u/ashvj88 Sex

Hello there. If this is weird I’m sorry. But I need help. I’m not experienced with sex toys. But I had bought this rabbit type vibrator that gets the gspot and clit a while ago. But it died. And it doesn’t have the brand so I can’t buy it again. I recently bought le wand mini and we vibe nova 2. And neither are strong enough vibrations. And now I’m down 250 bucks cause I cannot return. Are there and ladies here who could give me recommendations for stronger vibrators. Either just for clit stim or a rabbit style one. When I went into the store they wouldn’t even let me touch it while on. They said I just had to blindly buy. So any leads would be appreciated cause I just don’t have the money to waste. Thank u.

submitted by /u/ashvj88
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​r/sex Hello there. If this is weird I’m sorry. But I need help. I’m not experienced with sex toys. But I had bought this rabbit type vibrator that gets the gspot and clit a while ago. But it died. And it doesn’t have the brand so I can’t buy it again. I recently bought le wand mini and we vibe nova 2. And neither are strong enough vibrations. And now I’m down 250 bucks cause I cannot return. Are there and ladies here who could give me recommendations for stronger vibrators. Either just for clit stim or a rabbit style one. When I went into the store they wouldn’t even let me touch it while on. They said I just had to blindly buy. So any leads would be appreciated cause I just don’t have the money to waste. Thank u. submitted by /u/ashvj88 [link] [comments] 

Hello there. If this is weird I’m sorry. But I need help. I’m not experienced with sex toys. But I had bought this rabbit type vibrator that gets the gspot and clit a while ago. But it died. And it doesn’t have the brand so I can’t buy it again. I recently bought le wand mini and we vibe nova 2. And neither are strong enough vibrations. And now I’m down 250 bucks cause I cannot return. Are there and ladies here who could give me recommendations for stronger vibrators. Either just for clit stim or a rabbit style one. When I went into the store they wouldn’t even let me touch it while on. They said I just had to blindly buy. So any leads would be appreciated cause I just don’t have the money to waste. Thank u.

submitted by /u/ashvj88
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