Help with fwb and having sex in car for first time. /u/ThrowAway4772843 Sex

Throwaway for obvious reasons but i a busy 20m college student don’t have time to settle in a relationship. So I have taken interest in a 21m fwb. The only problem is I cannot host and neither can they. They have offered to have sex in a car, but I am worried about getting caught. Btw their suggestion for place was at night in a neighborhood street by their house where no street lights are. I have tinted windows but a small car, so what can I do to lessen my chances of getting caught?

submitted by /u/ThrowAway4772843
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​r/sex Throwaway for obvious reasons but i a busy 20m college student don’t have time to settle in a relationship. So I have taken interest in a 21m fwb. The only problem is I cannot host and neither can they. They have offered to have sex in a car, but I am worried about getting caught. Btw their suggestion for place was at night in a neighborhood street by their house where no street lights are. I have tinted windows but a small car, so what can I do to lessen my chances of getting caught? submitted by /u/ThrowAway4772843 [link] [comments] 

Throwaway for obvious reasons but i a busy 20m college student don’t have time to settle in a relationship. So I have taken interest in a 21m fwb. The only problem is I cannot host and neither can they. They have offered to have sex in a car, but I am worried about getting caught. Btw their suggestion for place was at night in a neighborhood street by their house where no street lights are. I have tinted windows but a small car, so what can I do to lessen my chances of getting caught?

submitted by /u/ThrowAway4772843
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